What Insurance Covers If a Bike Hits a Car?
Nowadays, using bikes or two-wheeler vehicles is people’s first choice. Still, we also know that the ratio of two-wheeler accidents is the highest among the other types of accidents, which is why all bike users must have suitable insurance policies. But the other thing is that people need proper knowledge of its coverages, claiming process, and more.
Thus, this article will show you what happens if a bike hits your car, what insurance covers if a bike hits a car, and what its claiming steps are.
What is Bike Insurance?
Before starting further discussion about bike insurance, let’s look at the meaning of bike insurance.
In simple terms, Bike Insurance is generally a contract between the bike owners and their insurance company, where they agree to cover any damages caused by the bike accidentally or by any natural disaster such as fire, earthquake, etc. The insurance is applicable even in the case of theft, riots, etc.
What Actions to Take After a Bike Hitting a Car?
The first step after a bike or car is to ensure everyone is safe. If anyone is injured, then immediately call 911. Conversely, it is also essential to contact your nearby police station to report the accident because the police report will undoubtedly play a vital role. At the same time, you file your bicycle claiming process.
After making a police contact, here we are sharing a few more steps that you should follow as they all play a vital part in a claiming process, including;
- Collect the Evidence:
Now, after ensuring that everyone is safe, the next step is gathering evidence, such as taking photos of the damages incurred to a car and bike. You can even collect the CCTV footage, too, if it’s available, and also take the contact details as well as the names of the witnesses. In short, gather as much evidence as possible, as it helps when filing a claim.
- Exchange Information:
It’s also crucial to take the information about the bike owner involved in the accident, such as their name, address, and contact details. Also, it is essential to make sure whether they have insurance or not.
- Medical Attention:
If you face any injuries in an accident, seeking medical attention is crucial. Because while claiming the insurance, you can attach the medical expenses in it, which the liable person or its company has to pay.
What Insurance Covers If a Bike Hits a Car:
Before proceeding with the Bicycle Accident Claiming process, you must check which things will be covered under your insurance coverage.
If the bicyclist is at fault for the accident, their liability insurance will pay for all the damages incurred to your car. But, in a few cases, it’s also possible that the cyclist doesn’t have insurance; in that situation, you must file a claim with your insurance company.
The other one is homeowner’s insurance coverage. Still, you need to consult your insurance policy to ensure your insurance firm covers any damages incurred to your car. Another essential Insurance coverage is Personal Injury Protection (PIP), which covers medical expenses.
Filing a Bicycle Accident Claim:
Filing a Bicycle Accident Claim with your insurance company after a bike hits a car is essential to cover your damages expenses from that of the liable party. But, very few people know the filing process; thus, here we are sharing with you some steps by which you can easily file your Bicycle Accident Claim.
- Step 1: Connect with your Insurance Company
The beginning step to file a claim is to connect with your insurance company as soon as possible because most companies have 24*7 claiming services. Some companies also offer their policyholder the ability to file a claim online or through their apps.
- Step 2: Provided Accurate Information
Your insurance company needs detailed information about the accident before filing a claim, such as police reports, enough evidence like photos of damages, etc., the witnesses’ contact details, and even the cyclist’s information is mandatory here.
- Step 3: Damage Inspection:
Once you submit enough evidence to your insurance adjuster, you will personally visit your place and check the car and its damages to ensure the exact repair cost.
- Step 4: Settlement:
After the inspection process is over, your insurance company offers you a settlement in which they mention the amounts they will pay for your damages, but if you are not ready to accept the settlement amount, so, in that case, you need to negotiate with your insurance company or you can also take the advice of any attorney’s firm.
- Step 5: Repair and Replacement
Once your insurance company is ready for the settlement, the next and last step is to proceed with the repairs or replacement. But in this situation, sometimes your firm insists you repair your car from a particular shop, so at that time, you have a complete right to choose where you want to improve your vehicle.
How Much Time It Requires for Claiming Process:
Once you have filed your Insurance claim, the very immediate question that comes into policy-holders minds is about its actual timing process, but it is never fixed; it entirely relies on several factors, like the types of claims you are filing, the number of people involved in it, etc.
Also, the state policy matters here because a few states give a 30-day surety for the claiming process, whereas a few states have no such policy, and the victims may get their actual loss amounts even after two months or years.
Thus, here we suggest you stay in constant touch with your insurance company to get day-to-day updates related to the claiming process, as it is one of the quickest ways to get your loss back soon.
Final Words:
Make sure that your very first priority while riding a bike or two-wheeler is your safety. Never try to take risks for your safety purposes. So, every bike rider and car rider needs insurance, which plays a safeguarding role in case they meet with an accident.
This article has already shared some crucial information, such as bike insurance coverages, how to file a Bicycle Accident Claim and more. So, read it out thoroughly, and if you have yet to buy the insurance for your bike, then connect with one of the trusted insurance companies and get it today.